Most laundry detergents are made from petrochemical ingredients. Some may contain ammonia, ethanol, naphthalene, phenol, bleaches, whiteners and chemical fragrances, even in some labelled “fragrance free”. Detergent left on clothes and bedding can cause skin irritation and respiratory reactions on both yourself and others. Interesting fact—when eaten by children, petroleum based detergents cause more poisonings than any other household product. 9 Yet we have no problem wearing clothes washed in it next to our skin, the largest organ in our body?

Fabric softeners may contain compounds which release formaldehyde. In some people this may cause a variety of asthma like symptoms, dermatitis, headaches, chronic fatigue and a variety of other symptoms.  In lab tests formaldehyde has caused cancer and damage DNA.10 Even unscented softeners are full of many harmful chemicals. A better choice for the health of yourself and those around you might be unscented and chemical free dryer balls.

Maybe this is a reason why the detergent aisle in the grocery store really bothers your nose and lungs. You think?

9 – Guide to Less Toxic Products, Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia
10 – Guide to Less Toxic Products, Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia